Remembering Dr. Kelly Wray
I attended Prof. Kelly Wray's How-to-History II course in the Spring 2009 semester. At the time I was an economics graduate student attempting to change his co-discipline to history, I appreciated her guidance and support through the process. Even after I finished her course, she was always receptive and willing to chat about my progress.
Two things stick out in my mind when I recall my time in her course. Once Gianluca Rossi and I were having a discussion about corporate governance, I don't recall the specific details, but Dr. Kelly Wray's ironic response always stuck with me: "I will never understand how you economists think."
On another occasion, Dr. Kelly Wray had given us a syllabus assignment (in my estimation the highlight of the course). Given our druthers, we were to create a history course that we would love to teach. I developed an advanced labor history course on corporate benefits. This assignment was one of the key factors when I developed my dissertation topic.
She will be missed. I offer my condolences to Randy Wray and his family.