Index of Posts: Slices of Shona's Life
Memories of Shona

From Jean-François Nieus, University of Namur

The organisers and all participants of the international conference “Archival Scribes in the Medieval West: Training, Careers, Connections”, held in Namur (Belgium) on 2-4 May 2012, have heard with consternation that their colleague Shona Kelly Wray passed away in Florence two days after the end of their common scientific activity. Shona had given on 3 May a brilliant lecture on “Notarial families and households in 14th-century Bologna”, unanimously welcomed as one of the most interesting papers of the conference. Those who had the privilege to talk further with her during these days will remember a very charming person and an enthusiastic scholar.

The organisers’ condolences go to her family, friends and colleagues. They wholeheartedly hope that it will be possible to publish her ultimate scientific work in the proceedings of the conference, as a memorial tribute.

Paul Bertrand, Xavier Hermand, Jean-François Nieus and Étienne Renard

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